Online Dating Tips, Places You Should Not Video Call From


Video calling is very important when you are online dating, and in today’s article, we are going to discuss places you should not video call from, some of these places are listed for safety reasons, and others are listed for your own peace of mind. When you first meet someone on a dating app/site, you … Read more Online Dating Tips, Places You Should Not Video Call From

Why Are Asian Women So Popular On Dating Sites?


When I was researching for this post, I came across some really interesting questions that people have been asking online. Mostly on sites like, Reddit, and Yahoo. But one very popular question that was asked many times, is why are Asian women so popular on dating sites? So I have taken it upon myself … Read more Why Are Asian Women So Popular On Dating Sites?

10 Signs You Are Not Compatible With Your Partner

signs you are not compatible with your partner

Today I would like to take a look at 10 signs you are not compatible with your partner. In relationships, it’s very easy to be blinded by stars, butterflies, and lust. But when it comes to wanting to be in a lasting relationship with someone, you need to see past all those butterflies and stars. … Read more 10 Signs You Are Not Compatible With Your Partner

Are African Girls Throwing Themselves At White Guys?


There is this topic that has been trending on social media in the last couple of weeks, especially in East Africa. Its the issue of African Girls throwing themselves at white guys. You find young beautiful African girls throwing themselves at white men and some men are quite old. You will find girls in their … Read more Are African Girls Throwing Themselves At White Guys?

The Worst Online Dating Conversations I Have Ever Had


Today I want us to talk about the worst online dating conversations I have ever had. I was inspired to write this article after seeing a very interesting Instagram account that shares funny conversations on a dating app called Bumble. So I thought I’d share my own stories. Mine is not funny per se but … Read more The Worst Online Dating Conversations I Have Ever Had

Online Dating How To Know If Someone Is Serious


Today we are discussing how to know if someone is serious,  hookups are very common on dating apps and dating sites, and if that’s what you are looking for, then that’s fine, but things get complicated when you keep attracting temporary dates. today I want us to discuss how to avoid those looking for one-night … Read more Online Dating How To Know If Someone Is Serious